
How is Gorilla Conservation Coffee changing lives in Uganda?

How is Gorilla Conservation Coffee changing lives in Uganda?

Gorilla Conservation Coffee helped the farmers create the Bwindi Coffee Growers Cooperative. Now the coffee cooperative has 85+ farmers and the chairman of the cooperative sits on the board of GCC. Kanyonyi was named after the little stream where he was born in 1996. The 100% Arabica Kanyonyi Coffee is the first coffee product and named after the former lead silverback gorilla of Mubare Gorilla Group, the first group habituated for tourism at Bwindi Impenetrable National Park.

How to NEVER run out of coffee again!

How to NEVER run out of coffee again!

But have you ever been in a situation where you go to your cabinet to grab the coffee bag.. only to remember that you didn’t remember to buy coffee


How is coffee good for you

How is coffee good for you

How can your coffee benefit you in the morning.

Coffee is not just for energy and taste. It can also boost up your immune system and help your health in many different ways. Find out more..

Coffee Around the World, Pt. 2: Varietals

Coffee Around the World, Pt. 2: Varietals

Many coffee drinkers are unaware of the existence of varietals: different strains of the coffee plant that grow cherries (and beans) with different characteristics. While growers have known about these coffee varieties for a long time, most of the attention has been paid to how resistant they are to pest or disease, or how much coffee they yield. Until very recently, neither coffee growers nor consumers have not paid any attention to how varietals affect the coffee they’re drinking.

The closest you'll get to a coffee rainbow (photo by Mad Cap Coffee)


The Other Caffeine: An Introduction to Tea

The Other Caffeine: An Introduction to Tea

We’ve focused mainly on coffee on this blog (no surprise, giving that coffee is in our name), but in the world of warm caffeinated beverages, tea is important, especially since it’s still the world’s second most consumed beverage, second only to water. From the get go, Arabica has aimed to offer a good selection of teas in addition to top notch coffee, so for this post we’re going to do some tea education. Our goal is to help you make an informed decision the next time you feel like changing your caffeination routine.

"The experiments are...</p>

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